Testimonial Summary

(average of 82 reviews)
4.7 out of 5 stars

User Photo, Testemonial Customer

8/2/2017 Dear Dr. Hutchinson- Thank you so much for the MFT exam prep course. I just found out that I passed the exam in NV. This is the first time that I took the exam and, happy to report, will be the last! I scored an 86%. The highest score in NV was an 88%. I found your site extremely helpful and recommend it to all of my friends who are still in the Master's program!
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

2/2/2016 I passed my exam! Thank you for all of your support, information, and motivation. I think that my use of your practice questions and exams helped me feel comfortable and confident when I took the state exam. I have recommended your site to others - two of my supervision partners did not pass and so I told them to check you out. Thanks again.
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

3/22/2016 Wanted to say thanks I passed first try and your questions were most like the test questions.
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

7/13/2017 I passed my exam!!! Couldn't have done it without this site! THANK YOU!!!
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

3/13/2017 Just wanted to let you know that I passed my LMFT exam! Thanks for your terrific website.
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

9/29/2016 Dr. Hutchinson, Just got the call from the CSWMFT Board rep. -- I PASSED!!! I PASSED!!! YAHOO!!! Thank you for all your help and testing assistance. Regards
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

3/18/2018 I purchased two weeks of access to your site...the various practice tests (on therapies/ethics/HIPPA, case studies, etc)...videos by the guy with the curly hair...and various checklists were very helpful.... I passed the MFT exam that I took in Feb: I received a score of 151 out of 200...a 75.5% pass rate...The two weeks helped me crystallize everything that I had studied...I started studying in Oct of last year... Thanks a Million
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

6/9/2018 I want to join the ranks and thank you. I passed the recent MFT exam and your site was much help!
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

6/30/2016 I passed the CA standard test. I know your website is aimed at the national test... but the study aids really helped!
User Photo, Testemonial Customer

2/22/2016 I don't have a question, I wanted to let you know I passed the exam, with your help.
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